Cómo eliminar AdvertBar (anuncios, banners, ofertas)
Perfil de amenaza
Nombre de amenaza:AdvertBar
Nombre de archivo:isystem.exe
Tipo de amenaza:Adware
OS afectada:Win32/Win64 (Windows XP, Vista/7, 8/8.1, Windows 10)
Navegadores afectados:Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari
Método de intrusión de AdvertBar
AdvertBar instala en su PC junto con el software libre. Este método se denomina "instalación de bundle". Freeware ofrece para instalar módulo adicional (AdvertBar). Entonces, si usted no puede rechazar oferta, se inicia instalación de oculta. AdvertBar copia sus archivo(s) a su disco duro. Su nombre del archivo típica es isystem.exe. A veces se crea una nueva clave de inicio con el nombre AdvertBar y valor isystem.exe. También puede encontrará en la lista de procesos con nombre isystem.exe o AdvertBar. Además, se puede crear una carpeta con el nombre AdvertBar en C:\Program Files\ o C:\ProgramData. Después de instalación AdvertBar inicia mostrando de anuncios, pop-ups, banners en su PC o en los navegadores. Se recomienda para eliminar AdvertBar inmediatamente. Si tiene más preguntas sobre AdvertBar, por favor pregunte abajo. Puede usar programas para eliminar AdvertBar de su navegador a continuación.
Descargar herramenta de eliminacion
Descarga esta herramienta de eliminación avanzada y resolver problemas con AdvertBar y isystem.exe (descarga de herramienta comenzará inmediatamente):
Descargar herramienta de eliminación para eliminar AdvertBar
* Herramienta de eliminación se desarrolló para eliminar problemas relacionados con AdvertBar en modo automático. Remover tiene un módulo activo para proteger la PC de los secuestradores. El programa fue probado en Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 y Windows 10. La versión de prueba de la herramienta de eliminación contiene la detección de amenazas informáticas como AdvertBar para GRATIS.
Características de herramienta de eliminación
- Elimina todos archivos creados por AdvertBar.
- Elimina todas entradas de registro creadas por AdvertBar.
- Puede activar Guardia de Sistema y Guardia de red y olvidarse de software malicioso.
- Puede solucionar problemas con el navegador y proteger la configuración del navegador.
- Eliminación está garantizada, si herramienta de eliminación falla, pedir apoyo GRATIS.
- 24/7 Spyware Helpdesk Support se incluye en el paquete.
Descargar Spyhunter Remediation Tool de Enigma Software
Descargar anti-malware diseñado específicamente para eliminar amenazas como AdvertBar y isystem.exe (descarga de herramienta comenzará inmediatamente):
Descargar AntiMalware para eliminar AdvertBar
Características de Spyhunter Remediation Tool
- Elimina todos archivos creados por AdvertBar.
- Elimina todas entradas de registro creadas por by AdvertBar.
- Correcciones de redirección y secuestros de navegador, si es necesario.
- "Toolbar Remover" herramienta le ayudará a deshacerse de las extensiones del navegador no deseados.
- Eliminación está garantizada, si Spyhunter Remediation Tool falla, pedir apoyo GRATIS..
- 24/7 Helpdesk Support se incluyen en el paquete.
¡Deje que nuestro equipo de soporte a resolver su problema con AdvertBar y eliminar AdvertBar ahora mismo!
Presentar ticket de soporte por debajo y describir su problema con AdvertBar. Equipo de soporte le ofrecerá la solución de varios minutos y dar una instrucción paso a paso sobre cómo eliminar AdvertBar. Soporte técnico sin problemas con más de 10 años de experiencia eliminación de malware.
Envíen una solicitud de ayuda
Descripción y solución de amenaza son desarrollados por Security Stronghold equipo de seguridad.
Aquí también se puede aprender:
Cómo eliminar AdvertBar manualmente
Este problema se puede resolver de forma manual mediante la eliminación de todas las claves de registro y archivos relacionados con AdvertBar, quitarlo de la lista de inicio y anular el registro de todas las DLL correspondientes. Adicionalmente, archivos DLL que faltan deben ser restaurados a partir de la distribución en caso de que se corrompen por AdvertBar.
Para deshacerse de AdvertBar, debieras:
Advertencia: debe eliminar sólo los archivos que sumas de comprobación se enumeran como malicioso. Es posible que haya archivos válidos con los mismos nombres en su sistema. Recomendamos que utilice Herramienta de eliminación de AdvertBar para solución de problema de caja fuerte.
- %desktop%\deskmate\
- %appdata%\piglet's big movie\
- %programfiles%\piglet's big movie\
- %autostart% \piglet's big movie\
- %programfiles%\carb coaches\
- %autostart% \carb coaches\
- %appdata%\carb coaches\
- %autostart% \carletto\
- %autostart% \stitch\
- %appdata%\stitch\
- %programfiles%\dodge charger induction unit\
- %autostart% \dodge charger induction unit\
- %appdata%\dodge charger induction unit\
- %programfiles%\finding nemo screenmate\
- %autostart% \finding nemo screenmate\
- %appdata%\finding nemo screenmate\
- %programfiles%\looney tunes\
- %autostart% \looney tunes\
- %appdata%\looney tunes\
- %programfiles%\harry potter time-turner\
- %autostart% \harry potter time-turner\
- %appdata%\harry potter time-turner\
- %programfiles%\the lion king 1.5\
- %autostart% \the lion king 1.5\
- %appdata%\the lion king 1.5\
- %programfiles%\the lion king\
- %autostart% \the lion king\
- %appdata%\the lion king\
- %programfiles%\american dad screenmate\
- %autostart% \american dad screenmate\
- %appdata%\american dad screenmate\wallpapers\
- %appdata%\american dad screenmate\videos\
- %appdata%\american dad screenmate\promo\
- %programfiles%\king of the hill\
- %autostart% \king of the hill\
- %programfiles%\chicken little screenmate\
- %autostart% \chicken little screenmate\
- %appdata%\chicken little screenmate\
- %appdata%\your cottonelle puppy\buddyicons\
- %appdata%\your cottonelle puppy\screensavers\
- %appdata%\your cottonelle puppy\tricks\
- %appdata%\your cottonelle puppy\travellog\
- %appdata%\your cottonelle puppy\wallpapers\
- %appdata%\your cottonelle puppy\welcomepageskin\
- %appdata%\your cottonelle puppy\travellogpageskin\
- %appdata%\your cottonelle puppy\puppytrackspageskin\
- %appdata%\your cottonelle puppy\
- %programfiles%\your cottonelle puppy\
- %autostart% \your cottonelle puppy\
- %programfiles%\common sense calendar\
- %autostart% \common sense calendar\
- %appdata%\common sense calendar\community\
- %appdata%\common sense calendar\offers\
- %appdata%\common sense calendar\tips\
- %programfiles%\blue cross - desktop pet\
- %autostart% \blue cross - desktop pet\
- %programfiles%\stewie griffin communicator\
- %autostart% \stewie griffin communicator\
- %appdata%\stewie griffin communicator\
- %programfiles%\roche desktop flu tracker\
- %autostart% \roche desktop flu tracker\
- %appdata%\roche desktop flu tracker\
- %appdata%\roche desktop flu tracker\maps\
- %programfiles%\hawaii anytime\
- %autostart% \hawaii anytime\
- %appdata%\hawaii anytime\
- %appdata%\hawaii anytime\images\
- %appdata%\hawaii anytime\webcams\
- %appdata%\hawaii anytime\wallpaper\
- %appdata%\hawaii anytime\screensavers\
- %appdata%\hawaii anytime\ecards\
- %appdata%\snowmate\
- %appdata%\snowmate\wallpapers\
- %appdata%\snowmate\videos\
- %appdata%\snowmate\screensavers\
- %appdata%\snowmate\photogallery\
- %appdata%\snowmate\newspics\
- %programfiles%\snowmate\
- %autostart% \snowmate\
- %windows%\resources\themes\
- %windows%\resources\themes\snowmate\
- %programfiles%\narnia screenmate\
- %autostart% \narnia screenmate\
- %appdata%\narnia screenmate\
- %programfiles%\x2\
- %autostart% \x2\
- %appdata%\x2\
- Key: SOFTWARE\Teknosurf2
- Key: software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\run
Value: Advert Bar
- Key: Software\AdTools\ScreenMates\Bruce Lee
Value: ShowInstructions
- Key: Software\AdTools, Inc.\Piglet's Big Movie
Value: Identifier
- Key: Software\AdTools, Inc.\Piglet's Big Movie
Value: Piglet's Big Movie
- Key: Software\AdTools, Inc.\Piglet's Big Movie
Value: appname
- Key: Software\AdTools, Inc.\Piglet's Big Movie
Value: autoinstall
- Key: Software\AdTools, Inc.\Piglet's Big Movie
Value: bequiet
- Key: Software\AdTools, Inc.\Piglet's Big Movie
Value: data1
- Key: Software\AdTools, Inc.\Piglet's Big Movie
Value: data2
- Key: Software\AdTools, Inc.\Piglet's Big Movie
Value: datapath
- Key: Software\AdTools, Inc.\Piglet's Big Movie
Value: exename
- Key: Software\AdTools, Inc.\Piglet's Big Movie
Value: installpath
- Key: Software\AdTools, Inc.\Piglet's Big Movie
Value: localscrname
- Key: Software\AdTools, Inc.\Piglet's Big Movie
Value: localscrtime
- Key: Software\AdTools, Inc.\Piglet's Big Movie
Value: removelist
- Key: Software\AdTools, Inc.\Piglet's Big Movie
Value: restartexe
- Key: Software\AdTools, Inc.\Piglet's Big Movie
Value: restartflags
- Key: Software\AdTools, Inc.\Piglet's Big Movie
Value: restartmode
- Key: Software\AdTools, Inc.\Piglet's Big Movie
Value: restartoldexe
- Key: Software\AdTools, Inc.\Piglet's Big Movie
Value: restartstep
- Key: Software\AdTools, Inc.\Piglet's Big Movie
Value: showsplashonce
- Key: Software\AdTools, Inc.\Piglet's Big Movie
Value: showttwarningwindow
- Key: Software\AdTools, Inc.\Piglet's Big Movie
Value: version
- Key: Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
Value: Piglet's Big Movie
- Key: SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Piglet's Big Movie
Value: DisplayName
- Key: SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Piglet's Big Movie
Value: UninstallString
- Key: Software\Dannon\Carb Coaches
Value: Identifier
- Key: Software\Dannon\Carb Coaches
Value: appname
- Key: Software\Dannon\Carb Coaches
Value: autoinstall
- Key: Software\Dannon\Carb Coaches
Value: data1
- Key: Software\Dannon\Carb Coaches
Value: data2
- Key: Software\Dannon\Carb Coaches
Value: datapath
- Key: Software\Dannon\Carb Coaches
Value: displaytype
- Key: Software\Dannon\Carb Coaches
Value: exename
- Key: Software\Dannon\Carb Coaches
Value: installpath
- Key: Software\Dannon\Carb Coaches
Value: removelist
- Key: Software\Dannon\Carb Coaches
Value: showsplashonce
- Key: Software\Dannon\Carb Coaches
Value: showttwarningwindow
- Key: Software\Dannon\Carb Coaches
Value: version
- Key: Software\Dannon\Carb Coaches
Value: alwaysontop
- Key: Software\Dannon\Carb Coaches
Value: bequiet
- Key: Software\Dannon\Carb Coaches
Value: bestill
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Value: data1
- Key: Software\Dannon\Carb Coaches
Value: removelist
- Key: Software\Dannon\Carb Coaches
Value: showsplashonce
- Key: Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
Value: Carb Coaches
- Key: SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Carb Coaches
Value: DisplayName
- Key: SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Carb Coaches
Value: UninstallString
- Key: Software\AdTools, Inc.\Carletto
Value: Identifier
- Key: Software\AdTools, Inc.\Carletto
Value: appname
- Key: Software\AdTools, Inc.\Carletto
Value: autoinstall
- Key: Software\AdTools, Inc.\Carletto
Value: bequiet
- Key: Software\AdTools, Inc.\Carletto
Value: bestill
- Key: Software\AdTools, Inc.\Carletto
Value: data1
- Key: Software\AdTools, Inc.\Carletto
Value: data2
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Value: datapath
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Value: displaytype
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Value: exename
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Value: installpath
- Key: Software\AdTools, Inc.\Carletto
Value: removelist
- Key: Software\AdTools, Inc.\Carletto
Value: showsplashonce
- Key: Software\AdTools, Inc.\Carletto
Value: version
- Key: Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
Value: Carletto
- Key: SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Carletto
Value: DisplayName
- Key: SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Carletto
Value: UninstallString
- Key: Software\AdTools, Inc.\Stitch
Value: Identifier
- Key: Software\AdTools, Inc.\Stitch
Value: appname
- Key: Software\AdTools, Inc.\Stitch
Value: autoinstall
- Key: Software\AdTools, Inc.\Stitch
Value: data1
- Key: Software\AdTools, Inc.\Stitch
Value: data2
- Key: Software\AdTools, Inc.\Stitch
Value: datapath
- Key: Software\AdTools, Inc.\Stitch
Value: displaytype
- Key: Software\AdTools, Inc.\Stitch
Value: exename
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Value: installpath
- Key: Software\AdTools, Inc.\Stitch
Value: removelist
- Key: Software\AdTools, Inc.\Stitch
Value: showsplashonce
- Key: Software\AdTools, Inc.\Stitch
Value: showttwarningwindow
- Key: Software\AdTools, Inc.\Stitch
Value: version
- Key: Software\Dodge\Dodge Charger Induction Unit
Value: Identifier
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Value: appname
- Key: Software\Dodge\Dodge Charger Induction Unit
Value: autoinstall
- Key: Software\Dodge\Dodge Charger Induction Unit
Value: data1
- Key: Software\Dodge\Dodge Charger Induction Unit
Value: data2
- Key: Software\Dodge\Dodge Charger Induction Unit
Value: data3
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Value: datapath
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Value: exename
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Value: first
- Key: Software\Dodge\Dodge Charger Induction Unit
Value: installpath
- Key: Software\Dodge\Dodge Charger Induction Unit
Value: removelist
- Key: Software\Dodge\Dodge Charger Induction Unit
Value: shownewsalertwindow
- Key: Software\Dodge\Dodge Charger Induction Unit
Value: showpopupalertwindow
- Key: Software\Dodge\Dodge Charger Induction Unit
Value: showsplashonce
- Key: Software\Dodge\Dodge Charger Induction Unit
Value: showttwarningwindow
- Key: Software\Dodge\Dodge Charger Induction Unit
Value: tickerboxopen
- Key: Software\Dodge\Dodge Charger Induction Unit
Value: tickerheadlines
- Key: Software\Dodge\Dodge Charger Induction Unit
Value: tickerspeed
- Key: Software\Dodge\Dodge Charger Induction Unit
Value: tickerupdate
- Key: Software\Dodge\Dodge Charger Induction Unit
Value: version
- Key: Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
Value: Dodge Charger Induction Unit
- Key:
SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Dodge Charger Induction Unit Value: DisplayName
- Key:
SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Dodge Charger Induction Unit Value: UninstallString
- Key: Software\Finding Nemo ScreenMate\Finding Nemo ScreenMate
Value: Identifier
- Key: Software\Finding Nemo ScreenMate\Finding Nemo ScreenMate
Value: alwaysontop
- Key: Software\Finding Nemo ScreenMate\Finding Nemo ScreenMate
Value: appname
- Key: Software\Finding Nemo ScreenMate\Finding Nemo ScreenMate
Value: autoinstall
- Key: Software\Finding Nemo ScreenMate\Finding Nemo ScreenMate
Value: bequiet
- Key: Software\Finding Nemo ScreenMate\Finding Nemo ScreenMate
Value: bloat
- Key: Software\Finding Nemo ScreenMate\Finding Nemo ScreenMate
Value: bruce
- Key: Software\Finding Nemo ScreenMate\Finding Nemo ScreenMate
Value: crush
- Key: Software\Finding Nemo ScreenMate\Finding Nemo ScreenMate
Value: data1
- Key: Software\Finding Nemo ScreenMate\Finding Nemo ScreenMate
Value: data2
- Key: Software\Finding Nemo ScreenMate\Finding Nemo ScreenMate
Value: datapath
- Key: Software\Finding Nemo ScreenMate\Finding Nemo ScreenMate
Value: dory
- Key: Software\Finding Nemo ScreenMate\Finding Nemo ScreenMate
Value: exename
- Key: Software\Finding Nemo ScreenMate\Finding Nemo ScreenMate
Value: installpath
- Key: Software\Finding Nemo ScreenMate\Finding Nemo ScreenMate
Value: marlin
- Key: Software\Finding Nemo ScreenMate\Finding Nemo ScreenMate
Value: plasmaon
- Key: Software\Finding Nemo ScreenMate\Finding Nemo ScreenMate
Value: removelist
- Key: Software\Finding Nemo ScreenMate\Finding Nemo ScreenMate
Value: screensaverinstalled
- Key: Software\Finding Nemo ScreenMate\Finding Nemo ScreenMate
Value: screensaverpreview
- Key: Software\Finding Nemo ScreenMate\Finding Nemo ScreenMate
Value: showsplashonce
- Key: Software\Finding Nemo ScreenMate\Finding Nemo ScreenMate
Value: themeinstalled
- Key: Software\Finding Nemo ScreenMate\Finding Nemo ScreenMate
Value: version
- Key: Software\Finding Nemo ScreenMate\Finding Nemo ScreenMate
Value: wantplasma
- Key: Software\Finding Nemo ScreenMate\Finding Nemo ScreenMate\screensaver
- Key: Software\Finding Nemo ScreenMate\Finding Nemo ScreenMate\screensaver
Value: ScreenSaveActive
- Key: Software\AdTools, Inc.\Looney Tunes
Value: Identifier
- Key: Software\AdTools, Inc.\Looney Tunes
Value: appname
- Key: Software\AdTools, Inc.\Looney Tunes
Value: autoinstall
- Key: Software\AdTools, Inc.\Looney Tunes
Value: data1
- Key: Software\AdTools, Inc.\Looney Tunes
Value: data2
- Key: Software\AdTools, Inc.\Looney Tunes
Value: datapath
- Key: Software\AdTools, Inc.\Looney Tunes
Value: displaytype
- Key: Software\AdTools, Inc.\Looney Tunes
Value: exename
- Key: Software\AdTools, Inc.\Looney Tunes
Value: installpath
- Key: Software\AdTools, Inc.\Looney Tunes
Value: removelist
- Key: Software\AdTools, Inc.\Looney Tunes
Value: showsplashonce
- Key: Software\AdTools, Inc.\Looney Tunes
Value: showttwarningwindow
- Key: Software\AdTools, Inc.\Looney Tunes
Value: version
- Key: Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
Value: Looney Tunes
- Key: Software\HarryPotterTimeTurner\Harry Potter Time-Turner
Value: Identifier
- Key: Software\HarryPotterTimeTurner\Harry Potter Time-Turner
Value: appname
- Key: Software\HarryPotterTimeTurner\Harry Potter Time-Turner
Value: autoinstall
- Key: Software\HarryPotterTimeTurner\Harry Potter Time-Turner
Value: bestill
- Key: Software\HarryPotterTimeTurner\Harry Potter Time-Turner
Value: data1
- Key: Software\HarryPotterTimeTurner\Harry Potter Time-Turner
Value: data2
- Key: Software\HarryPotterTimeTurner\Harry Potter Time-Turner
Value: datapath
- Key: Software\HarryPotterTimeTurner\Harry Potter Time-Turner
Value: exename
- Key: Software\HarryPotterTimeTurner\Harry Potter Time-Turner
Value: installpath
- Key: Software\HarryPotterTimeTurner\Harry Potter Time-Turner
Value: removelist
- Key: Software\HarryPotterTimeTurner\Harry Potter Time-Turner
Value: showsm
- Key: Software\HarryPotterTimeTurner\Harry Potter Time-Turner
Value: showsplashonce
- Key: Software\HarryPotterTimeTurner\Harry Potter Time-Turner
Value: showttwarningwindow
- Key: Software\HarryPotterTimeTurner\Harry Potter Time-Turner
Value: version
- Key: Software\HarryPotterTimeTurner\Harry Potter Time-Turner
Value: wx
- Key: Software\HarryPotterTimeTurner\Harry Potter Time-Turner
Value: wy
- Key:
SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Harry Potter Time-Turner Value: DisplayName
- Key:
SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Harry Potter Time-Turner Value: UninstallString
- Key: Software\AdTools, Inc.\The Lion King 1.5
Value: Identifier
- Key: Software\AdTools, Inc.\The Lion King 1.5
Value: appname
- Key: Software\AdTools, Inc.\The Lion King 1.5
Value: autoinstall
- Key: Software\AdTools, Inc.\The Lion King 1.5
Value: data1
- Key: Software\AdTools, Inc.\The Lion King 1.5
Value: data2
- Key: Software\AdTools, Inc.\The Lion King 1.5
Value: datapath
- Key: Software\AdTools, Inc.\The Lion King 1.5
Value: displaytype
- Key: Software\AdTools, Inc.\The Lion King 1.5
Value: exename
- Key: Software\AdTools, Inc.\The Lion King 1.5
Value: installpath
- Key: Software\AdTools, Inc.\The Lion King 1.5
Value: oldversion_appname
- Key: Software\AdTools, Inc.\The Lion King 1.5
Value: oldversion_exename
- Key: Software\AdTools, Inc.\The Lion King 1.5
Value: oldversion_installpath
- Key: Software\AdTools, Inc.\The Lion King 1.5
Value: removelist
- Key: Software\AdTools, Inc.\The Lion King 1.5
Value: showsplashonce
- Key: Software\AdTools, Inc.\The Lion King 1.5
Value: showttwarningwindow
- Key: Software\AdTools, Inc.\The Lion King 1.5
Value: version
- Key: Software\AdTools, Inc.\The Lion King
Value: Identifier
- Key: Software\AdTools, Inc.\The Lion King
Value: appname
- Key: Software\AdTools, Inc.\The Lion King
Value: autoinstall
- Key: Software\AdTools, Inc.\The Lion King
Value: data1
- Key: Software\AdTools, Inc.\The Lion King
Value: data2
- Key: Software\AdTools, Inc.\The Lion King
Value: datapath
- Key: Software\AdTools, Inc.\The Lion King
Value: displaytype
- Key: Software\AdTools, Inc.\The Lion King
Value: exename
- Key: Software\AdTools, Inc.\The Lion King
Value: installpath
- Key: Software\AdTools, Inc.\The Lion King
Value: removelist
- Key: Software\AdTools, Inc.\The Lion King
Value: showsplashonce
- Key: Software\AdTools, Inc.\The Lion King
Value: showttwarningwindow
- Key: Software\AdTools, Inc.\The Lion King
Value: version
- Key: SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\The Lion King
Value: DisplayName
- Key: SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\The Lion King
Value: UninstallString
- Key: Software\American Dad ScreenMate\American Dad ScreenMate
Value: Identifier
- Key: Software\American Dad ScreenMate\American Dad ScreenMate
Value: actiontiming
- Key: Software\American Dad ScreenMate\American Dad ScreenMate
Value: appname
- Key: Software\American Dad ScreenMate\American Dad ScreenMate
Value: autoinstall
- Key: Software\American Dad ScreenMate\American Dad ScreenMate
Value: bequiet
- Key: Software\American Dad ScreenMate\American Dad ScreenMate
Value: data1
- Key: Software\American Dad ScreenMate\American Dad ScreenMate
Value: data2
- Key: Software\American Dad ScreenMate\American Dad ScreenMate
Value: datapath
- Key: Software\American Dad ScreenMate\American Dad ScreenMate
Value: exename
- Key: Software\American Dad ScreenMate\American Dad ScreenMate
Value: installpath
- Key: Software\American Dad ScreenMate\American Dad ScreenMate
Value: removelist
- Key: Software\American Dad ScreenMate\American Dad ScreenMate
Value: showsplashonce
- Key: Software\American Dad ScreenMate\American Dad ScreenMate
Value: showttwarningwindow
- Key: Software\American Dad ScreenMate\American Dad ScreenMate
Value: skipsectionifflashinstalled
- Key: Software\American Dad ScreenMate\American Dad ScreenMate
Value: usesmrenderer
- Key: Software\American Dad ScreenMate\American Dad ScreenMate
Value: version
- Key: Software\American Dad ScreenMate\American Dad ScreenMate
Value: data1
- Key: Software\American Dad ScreenMate\American Dad ScreenMate
Value: removelist
- Key: Software\American Dad ScreenMate\American Dad ScreenMate
Value: showsplashonce
- Key: Software\AdTools, Inc.\King Of The Hill
Value: Identifier
- Key: Software\AdTools, Inc.\King Of The Hill
Value: appname
- Key: Software\AdTools, Inc.\King Of The Hill
Value: autoinstall
- Key: Software\AdTools, Inc.\King Of The Hill
Value: data1
- Key: Software\AdTools, Inc.\King Of The Hill
Value: data2
- Key: Software\AdTools, Inc.\King Of The Hill
Value: datapath
- Key: Software\AdTools, Inc.\King Of The Hill
Value: exename
- Key: Software\AdTools, Inc.\King Of The Hill
Value: installpath
- Key: Software\AdTools, Inc.\King Of The Hill
Value: removelist
- Key: Software\AdTools, Inc.\King Of The Hill
Value: showsplashonce
- Key: Software\AdTools, Inc.\King Of The Hill
Value: showttwarningwindow
- Key: Software\AdTools, Inc.\King Of The Hill
Value: version
- Key: Software\AdTools, Inc.\King Of The Hill
Value: alwaysontop
- Key: Software\AdTools, Inc.\King Of The Hill
Value: bequiet
- Key: Software\AdTools, Inc.\King Of The Hill
Value: bestill
- Key: Software\AdTools, Inc.\King Of The Hill
Value: data1
- Key: Software\AdTools, Inc.\King Of The Hill
Value: removelist
- Key: Software\AdTools, Inc.\King Of The Hill
Value: showsplashonce
- Key: Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
Value: King Of The Hill
- Key:
SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\King Of The Hill ScreenMate Value: DisplayName
- Key:
SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\King Of The Hill ScreenMate Value: UninstallString
- Key: Software\Chicken Little\Chicken Little ScreenMate
Value: Identifier
- Key: Software\Chicken Little\Chicken Little ScreenMate
Value: appname
- Key: Software\Chicken Little\Chicken Little ScreenMate
Value: autoinstall
- Key: Software\Chicken Little\Chicken Little ScreenMate
Value: bestill
- Key: Software\Chicken Little\Chicken Little ScreenMate
Value: data1
- Key: Software\Chicken Little\Chicken Little ScreenMate
Value: data2
- Key: Software\Chicken Little\Chicken Little ScreenMate
Value: datapath
- Key: Software\Chicken Little\Chicken Little ScreenMate
Value: donenovpopup
- Key: Software\Chicken Little\Chicken Little ScreenMate
Value: exename
- Key: Software\Chicken Little\Chicken Little ScreenMate
Value: installpath
- Key: Software\Chicken Little\Chicken Little ScreenMate
Value: removelist
- Key: Software\Chicken Little\Chicken Little ScreenMate
Value: showsm
- Key: Software\Chicken Little\Chicken Little ScreenMate
Value: showsplashonce
- Key: Software\Chicken Little\Chicken Little ScreenMate
Value: showttwarningwindow
- Key: Software\Chicken Little\Chicken Little ScreenMate
Value: skipsectionifflashinstalled
- Key: Software\Chicken Little\Chicken Little ScreenMate
Value: version
- Key: Software\Chicken Little\Chicken Little ScreenMate
Value: donefirst
- Key: Software\Chicken Little\Chicken Little ScreenMate
Value: donenovpopup
- Key: Software\Chicken Little\Chicken Little ScreenMate
Value: removelist
- Key: Software\Chicken Little\Chicken Little ScreenMate
Value: showsplashonce
- Key: Software\Chicken Little\Chicken Little ScreenMate
Value: data1
- Key: Software\Chicken Little\Chicken Little ScreenMate
Value: gametime
- Key: Software\Chicken Little\Chicken Little ScreenMate
Value: remember
- Key:
SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Chicken Little ScreenMate Value: DisplayName
- Key:
SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Chicken Little ScreenMate Value: UninstallString
- Key: Software\Cottonelle\Your Cottonelle Puppy
Value: Identifier
- Key: Software\Cottonelle\Your Cottonelle Puppy
Value: appname
- Key: Software\Cottonelle\Your Cottonelle Puppy
Value: autoinstall
- Key: Software\Cottonelle\Your Cottonelle Puppy
Value: data1
- Key: Software\Cottonelle\Your Cottonelle Puppy
Value: data2
- Key: Software\Cottonelle\Your Cottonelle Puppy
Value: datapath
- Key: Software\Cottonelle\Your Cottonelle Puppy
Value: exename
- Key: Software\Cottonelle\Your Cottonelle Puppy
Value: installpath
- Key: Software\Cottonelle\Your Cottonelle Puppy
Value: mousemovetrigger
- Key: Software\Cottonelle\Your Cottonelle Puppy
Value: removelist
- Key: Software\Cottonelle\Your Cottonelle Puppy
Value: showsplashonce
- Key: Software\Cottonelle\Your Cottonelle Puppy
Value: showttwarningwindow
- Key: Software\Cottonelle\Your Cottonelle Puppy
Value: skipsectionifflashinstalled
- Key: Software\Cottonelle\Your Cottonelle Puppy
Value: updateoff
- Key: Software\Cottonelle\Your Cottonelle Puppy
Value: version
- Key: Software\Cottonelle\Your Cottonelle Puppy
Value: alwaysontop
- Key: Software\Cottonelle\Your Cottonelle Puppy
Value: bath
- Key: Software\Cottonelle\Your Cottonelle Puppy
Value: bequiet
- Key: Software\Cottonelle\Your Cottonelle Puppy
Value: bestill
- Key: Software\Cottonelle\Your Cottonelle Puppy
Value: brush
- Key: Software\Cottonelle\Your Cottonelle Puppy
Value: catch
- Key: Software\Cottonelle\Your Cottonelle Puppy
Value: chase_a_roll
- Key: Software\Cottonelle\Your Cottonelle Puppy
Value: chewtoy
- Key: Software\Cottonelle\Your Cottonelle Puppy
Value: contentstatus
- Key: Software\Cottonelle\Your Cottonelle Puppy
Value: digging
- Key: Software\Cottonelle\Your Cottonelle Puppy
Value: feed
- Key: Software\Cottonelle\Your Cottonelle Puppy
Value: inside
- Key: Software\Cottonelle\Your Cottonelle Puppy
Value: jack
- Key: Software\Cottonelle\Your Cottonelle Puppy
Value: on_a_roll
- Key: Software\Cottonelle\Your Cottonelle Puppy
Value: party
- Key: Software\Cottonelle\Your Cottonelle Puppy
Value: remindemetomorrow
- Key: Software\Cottonelle\Your Cottonelle Puppy
Value: removelist
- Key: Software\Cottonelle\Your Cottonelle Puppy
Value: scratch
- Key: Software\Cottonelle\Your Cottonelle Puppy
Value: showsplashonce
- Key: Software\Cottonelle\Your Cottonelle Puppy
Value: sleep
- Key: Software\Cottonelle\Your Cottonelle Puppy
Value: sprinkler
- Key: Software\Cottonelle\Your Cottonelle Puppy
Value: suitcase
- Key: Software\Cottonelle\Your Cottonelle Puppy
Value: tail
- Key: Software\Cottonelle\Your Cottonelle Puppy
Value: tickle
- Key: Software\Cottonelle\Your Cottonelle Puppy
Value: data1
- Key: Software\Cottonelle\Your Cottonelle Puppy
Value: removelist
- Key: Software\Cottonelle\Your Cottonelle Puppy
Value: bath
- Key: Software\Cottonelle\Your Cottonelle Puppy
Value: mainstart
- Key: Software\Cottonelle\Your Cottonelle Puppy
Value: sprinkler
- Key: Software\Cottonelle\Your Cottonelle Puppy
Value: suitcase
- Key: Software\Cottonelle\Your Cottonelle Puppy\screensaver
- Key: Software\Cottonelle\Your Cottonelle Puppy\screensaver
Value: ScreenSaveActive
- Key: Software\Cottonelle\Your Cottonelle Puppy
Value: contentstatus
- Key: Software\Cottonelle\Your Cottonelle Puppy
Value: currentscr
- Key: Software\Cottonelle\Your Cottonelle Puppy
Value: donenovpopup
- Key: Software\Cottonelle\Your Cottonelle Puppy
Value: screensaverinstalled
- Key: Software\Cottonelle\Your Cottonelle Puppy
Value: screensaverpreview
- Key: Software\Common Sense Calendar\Common Sense Calendar
Value: Identifier
- Key: Software\Common Sense Calendar\Common Sense Calendar
Value: appname
- Key: Software\Common Sense Calendar\Common Sense Calendar
Value: autoinstall
- Key: Software\Common Sense Calendar\Common Sense Calendar
Value: bestill
- Key: Software\Common Sense Calendar\Common Sense Calendar
Value: data1
- Key: Software\Common Sense Calendar\Common Sense Calendar
Value: data2
- Key: Software\Common Sense Calendar\Common Sense Calendar
Value: datapath
- Key: Software\Common Sense Calendar\Common Sense Calendar
Value: exename
- Key: Software\Common Sense Calendar\Common Sense Calendar
Value: installpath
- Key: Software\Common Sense Calendar\Common Sense Calendar
Value: removelist
- Key: Software\Common Sense Calendar\Common Sense Calendar
Value: showsm
- Key: Software\Common Sense Calendar\Common Sense Calendar
Value: showsplashonce
- Key: Software\Common Sense Calendar\Common Sense Calendar
Value: showttwarningwindow
- Key: Software\Common Sense Calendar\Common Sense Calendar
Value: skipsectionifflashinstalled
- Key: Software\Common Sense Calendar\Common Sense Calendar
Value: tipstime
- Key: Software\Common Sense Calendar\Common Sense Calendar
Value: version
- Key: Software\Common Sense Calendar\Common Sense Calendar
Value: removelist
- Key: Software\Common Sense Calendar\Common Sense Calendar
Value: showsplashonce
- Key: Software\Common Sense Calendar\Common Sense Calendar
Value: tips popup alert
- Key: Software\Common Sense Calendar\Common Sense Calendar
Value: tipshowtime
- Key: Software\Common Sense Calendar\Common Sense Calendar
Value: donetipssetup
- Key: Software\Common Sense Calendar\Common Sense Calendar
Value: removelist
- Key: Software\Common Sense Calendar\Common Sense Calendar
Value: contentstatus
- Key: Software\Common Sense Calendar\Common Sense Calendar
Value: lasttippopup
- Key: Software\Common Sense Calendar\Common Sense Calendar
Value: lasttiptoshow
- Key: Software\Common Sense Calendar\Common Sense Calendar
Value: removelist
- Key:
SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Common Sense Calendar Value: DisplayName
- Key:
SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Common Sense Calendar Value: UninstallString
- Key: Software\Blue Cross\Blue Cross - desktop pet
Value: Identifier
- Key: Software\Blue Cross\Blue Cross - desktop pet
Value: appname
- Key: Software\Blue Cross\Blue Cross - desktop pet
Value: autoinstall
- Key: Software\Blue Cross\Blue Cross - desktop pet
Value: bestill
- Key: Software\Blue Cross\Blue Cross - desktop pet
Value: catdog
- Key: Software\Blue Cross\Blue Cross - desktop pet
Value: data1
- Key: Software\Blue Cross\Blue Cross - desktop pet
Value: data2
- Key: Software\Blue Cross\Blue Cross - desktop pet
Value: datapath
- Key: Software\Blue Cross\Blue Cross - desktop pet
Value: exename
- Key: Software\Blue Cross\Blue Cross - desktop pet
Value: installpath
- Key: Software\Blue Cross\Blue Cross - desktop pet
Value: mousemovetrigger
- Key: Software\Blue Cross\Blue Cross - desktop pet
Value: removelist
- Key: Software\Blue Cross\Blue Cross - desktop pet
Value: screensaverinstalled
- Key: Software\Blue Cross\Blue Cross - desktop pet
Value: screensaverpreview
- Key: Software\Blue Cross\Blue Cross - desktop pet
Value: showsplashonce
- Key: Software\Blue Cross\Blue Cross - desktop pet
Value: showttwarningwindow
- Key: Software\Blue Cross\Blue Cross - desktop pet
Value: skipsectionifflashinstalled
- Key: Software\Blue Cross\Blue Cross - desktop pet
Value: smmenuleftmouse
- Key: Software\Blue Cross\Blue Cross - desktop pet
Value: version
- Key: Software\Family Guy\Stewie Griffin Communicator
Value: Identifier
- Key: Software\Family Guy\Stewie Griffin Communicator
Value: appname
- Key: Software\Family Guy\Stewie Griffin Communicator
Value: autoinstall
- Key: Software\Family Guy\Stewie Griffin Communicator
Value: bestill
- Key: Software\Family Guy\Stewie Griffin Communicator
Value: data1
- Key: Software\Family Guy\Stewie Griffin Communicator
Value: data2
- Key: Software\Family Guy\Stewie Griffin Communicator
Value: datapath
- Key: Software\Family Guy\Stewie Griffin Communicator
Value: donenovpopup
- Key: Software\Family Guy\Stewie Griffin Communicator
Value: exename
- Key: Software\Family Guy\Stewie Griffin Communicator
Value: installpath
- Key: Software\Family Guy\Stewie Griffin Communicator
Value: removelist
- Key: Software\Family Guy\Stewie Griffin Communicator
Value: showsm
- Key: Software\Family Guy\Stewie Griffin Communicator
Value: showsplashonce
- Key: Software\Family Guy\Stewie Griffin Communicator
Value: showttwarningwindow
- Key: Software\Family Guy\Stewie Griffin Communicator
Value: skipsectionifflashinstalled
- Key: Software\Family Guy\Stewie Griffin Communicator
Value: version
- Key: Software\Roche\Roche Desktop Flu Tracker
Value: GrannyBox
- Key: Software\Roche\Roche Desktop Flu Tracker
Value: Identifier
- Key: Software\Roche\Roche Desktop Flu Tracker
Value: appname
- Key: Software\Roche\Roche Desktop Flu Tracker
Value: autoinstall
- Key: Software\Roche\Roche Desktop Flu Tracker
Value: bestill
- Key: Software\Roche\Roche Desktop Flu Tracker
Value: data1
- Key: Software\Roche\Roche Desktop Flu Tracker
Value: data2
- Key: Software\Roche\Roche Desktop Flu Tracker
Value: datapath
- Key: Software\Roche\Roche Desktop Flu Tracker
Value: exename
- Key: Software\Roche\Roche Desktop Flu Tracker
Value: installpath
- Key: Software\Roche\Roche Desktop Flu Tracker
Value: removelist
- Key: Software\Roche\Roche Desktop Flu Tracker
Value: showsm
- Key: Software\Roche\Roche Desktop Flu Tracker
Value: showttwarningwindow
- Key: Software\Roche\Roche Desktop Flu Tracker
Value: skipsectionifflashinstalled
- Key: Software\Roche\Roche Desktop Flu Tracker
Value: version
- Key: Software\Roche\Roche Desktop Flu Tracker
Value: url
- Key: Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
Value: Roche Desktop Flu Tracker
- Key:
SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Roche Desktop Flu Tracker Value: DisplayName
- Key:
SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Roche Desktop Flu Tracker Value: UninstallString
- Key: Software\Hawaii Anytime\Hawaii Anytime
Value: Identifier
- Key: Software\Hawaii Anytime\Hawaii Anytime
Value: appname
- Key: Software\Hawaii Anytime\Hawaii Anytime
Value: autoinstall
- Key: Software\Hawaii Anytime\Hawaii Anytime
Value: bestill
- Key: Software\Hawaii Anytime\Hawaii Anytime
Value: data1
- Key: Software\Hawaii Anytime\Hawaii Anytime
Value: data2
- Key: Software\Hawaii Anytime\Hawaii Anytime
Value: datapath
- Key: Software\Hawaii Anytime\Hawaii Anytime
Value: donenovpopup
- Key: Software\Hawaii Anytime\Hawaii Anytime
Value: exename
- Key: Software\Hawaii Anytime\Hawaii Anytime
Value: installpath
- Key: Software\Hawaii Anytime\Hawaii Anytime
Value: radioon
- Key: Software\Hawaii Anytime\Hawaii Anytime
Value: removelist
- Key: Software\Hawaii Anytime\Hawaii Anytime
Value: showsm
- Key: Software\Hawaii Anytime\Hawaii Anytime
Value: showsplashonce
- Key: Software\Hawaii Anytime\Hawaii Anytime
Value: showttwarningwindow
- Key: Software\Hawaii Anytime\Hawaii Anytime
Value: skipsectionifflashinstalled
- Key: Software\Hawaii Anytime\Hawaii Anytime
Value: vacation
- Key: Software\Hawaii Anytime\Hawaii Anytime
Value: version
- Key: Software\Hawaii Anytime\Hawaii Anytime
Value: airport
- Key: Software\Hawaii Anytime\Hawaii Anytime
Value: removelist
- Key: Software\Hawaii Anytime\Hawaii Anytime
Value: showsplashonce
- Key: Software\Hawaii Anytime\Hawaii Anytime
Value: donenovpopup
- Key: Software\Hawaii Anytime\Hawaii Anytime
Value: removelist
- Key: SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Hawaii Anytime
Value: DisplayName
- Key: SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Hawaii Anytime
Value: UninstallString
- Key: Software\Vail\SnowMate
Value: Identifier
- Key: Software\Vail\SnowMate
Value: appname
- Key: Software\Vail\SnowMate
Value: autoinstall
- Key: Software\Vail\SnowMate
Value: bestill
- Key: Software\Vail\SnowMate
Value: coloradoalert
- Key: Software\Vail\SnowMate
Value: config
- Key: Software\Vail\SnowMate
Value: data1
- Key: Software\Vail\SnowMate
Value: data2
- Key: Software\Vail\SnowMate
Value: datapath
- Key: Software\Vail\SnowMate
Value: exename
- Key: Software\Vail\SnowMate
Value: heavenlyalert
- Key: Software\Vail\SnowMate
Value: imagecycle
- Key: Software\Vail\SnowMate
Value: installpath
- Key: Software\Vail\SnowMate
Value: newsalert
- Key: Software\Vail\SnowMate
Value: photoalert
- Key: Software\Vail\SnowMate
Value: removelist
- Key: Software\Vail\SnowMate
Value: screensaveralert
- Key: Software\Vail\SnowMate
Value: screensaverinstalled
- Key: Software\Vail\SnowMate
Value: screensaverpreview
- Key: Software\Vail\SnowMate
Value: showsplashonce
- Key: Software\Vail\SnowMate
Value: showtrevvor
- Key: Software\Vail\SnowMate
Value: showttwarningwindow
- Key: Software\Vail\SnowMate
Value: ski
- Key: Software\Vail\SnowMate
Value: stretchimages
- Key: Software\Vail\SnowMate
Value: themeinstalled
- Key: Software\Vail\SnowMate
Value: version
- Key: Software\Vail\SnowMate
Value: videoalert
- Key: Software\Vail\SnowMate
Value: wallpaperalert
- Key: Software\Vail\SnowMate
Value: GrannyBox
- Key: Software\Vail\SnowMate
Value: alwaysontop
- Key: Software\Vail\SnowMate
Value: bequiet
- Key: Software\Vail\SnowMate
Value: lubeavercreek
- Key: Software\Vail\SnowMate
Value: lubreckenridge
- Key: Software\Vail\SnowMate
Value: luheavenly
- Key: Software\Vail\SnowMate
Value: lukeystone
- Key: Software\Vail\SnowMate
Value: luvail
- Key: Software\Vail\SnowMate
Value: microbaropen
- Key: Software\Vail\SnowMate
Value: removelist
- Key: Software\Vail\SnowMate
Value: showsplashonce
- Key: Software\Vail\SnowMate
Value: smshowmenu
- Key: Software\Vail\SnowMate
Value: themeinstalled
- Key: Software\Vail\SnowMate
Value: ski
- Key: SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\SnowMate
Value: DisplayName
- Key: SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\SnowMate
Value: UninstallString
- Key: Software\Narnia\Narnia ScreenMate
Value: Identifier
- Key: Software\Narnia\Narnia ScreenMate
Value: appname
- Key: Software\Narnia\Narnia ScreenMate
Value: autoinstall
- Key: Software\Narnia\Narnia ScreenMate
Value: bestill
- Key: Software\Narnia\Narnia ScreenMate
Value: config
- Key: Software\Narnia\Narnia ScreenMate
Value: data1
- Key: Software\Narnia\Narnia ScreenMate
Value: data2
- Key: Software\Narnia\Narnia ScreenMate
Value: datapath
- Key: Software\Narnia\Narnia ScreenMate
Value: donenovpopup
- Key: Software\Narnia\Narnia ScreenMate
Value: exename
- Key: Software\Narnia\Narnia ScreenMate
Value: installpath
- Key: Software\Narnia\Narnia ScreenMate
Value: removelist
- Key: Software\Narnia\Narnia ScreenMate
Value: showsm
- Key: Software\Narnia\Narnia ScreenMate
Value: showsplashonce
- Key: Software\Narnia\Narnia ScreenMate
Value: showttwarningwindow
- Key: Software\Narnia\Narnia ScreenMate
Value: skipsectionifflashinstalled
- Key: Software\Narnia\Narnia ScreenMate
Value: version
- Key: Software\Narnia\Narnia ScreenMate
Value: donefirst
- Key: Software\Narnia\Narnia ScreenMate
Value: removelist
- Key: Software\Narnia\Narnia ScreenMate
Value: showsplashonce
- Key: Software\Narnia\Narnia ScreenMate
Value: donedec9popup
- Key: Software\AdTools, Inc.\X2
Value: Identifier
- Key: Software\AdTools, Inc.\X2
Value: appname
- Key: Software\AdTools, Inc.\X2
Value: autoinstall
- Key: Software\AdTools, Inc.\X2
Value: data1
- Key: Software\AdTools, Inc.\X2
Value: data2
- Key: Software\AdTools, Inc.\X2
Value: datapath
- Key: Software\AdTools, Inc.\X2
Value: displaytype
- Key: Software\AdTools, Inc.\X2
Value: exename
- Key: Software\AdTools, Inc.\X2
Value: installpath
- Key: Software\AdTools, Inc.\X2
Value: removelist
- Key: Software\AdTools, Inc.\X2
Value: showsplashonce
- Key: Software\AdTools, Inc.\X2
Value: showttwarningwindow
- Key: Software\AdTools, Inc.\X2
Value: version
- Key: Software\Macromedia\Shockwave 10\browserapp
Data: C:\Program Files\American Dad ScreenMate\American Dad ScreenMate.exe
- Key: Software\Macromedia\Shockwave 10\browserapp
Data: C:\Program Files\Stewie Griffin Communicator\Stewie Griffin Communicator.exe
Advertencia: si el valor está en la lista para algunas entradas del registro, sólo se debe limpiar estos valores y dejar claves con tales valores intactos. Recomendamos que utilice Herramienta de eliminación de AdvertBar para solución de problema de caja fuerte.
Desinstalar programas relacionados con AdvertBar del Panel de control
Recomendamos que revise la lista de programas instalados y busca AdvertBar entrada o de otros programas desconocidos o sospechosos. A continuación se presentan instrucciones para diferentes versiones de Windows. En algunos casos, los programas de adware están protegidos por servicio o proceso malicioso y que no permitirán que la desinstale. Si AdvertBar no se desinstala o le da error mensaje, que no tiene suficientes derechos para hacer esto, lleve a cabo las instrucciones siguientes en Modo seguro o Modo seguro con red o utiliza Herramienta de eliminación de AdvertBar.
Windows 10
- Haga clic en Inicio menú y seleccione Configuración.
- A continuación, haga clic en Sistema y elige Apps & Features en columna izquierda.
- Encuentra AdvertBar en la lista y haga clic Desinstalar botón para cerca de él.
- Confirme haciendo clic Desinstalar botón en la ventana abierta si es necesario.
Windows 8/8.1
- Haga clic en la esquina inferior izquierda de la pantalla (mientras que en escritorio).
- En el menú seleccione Panel de control.
- Hacer clic Desinstalar un programa debajo de Programas y características.
- Localiza AdvertBar u otro programa relacionado sospechoso.
- Clic Desinstalar botón.
- Espere hasta que proceso de desinstalación esté completa.
Windows 7/Vista
- Hacer clic Inicio y elige Panel de control.
- Elija Programas y características y Desinstalar un programa.
- En la lista de programas instalados encuentra AdvertBar.
- Clic Desinstalar botón.
Windows XP
- Clic Inicio.
- En el menú seleccione Panel de control
- Elija Agregar o quitar programas.
- Encuentra entradas relacionadas con AdvertBar.
- Clic Quitar botón.
Eliminar AdvertBar extensión de sus navegadores
AdvertBar en algunos casos puede crear extensión de navegadores. Recomendamos que utilice opción gratuita "Toolbar Remover" en "Herramientas" en Spyhunter Remediation Tool para quitar extensiones del navegador no deseados relacionados con AdvertBar. Recomendamos que escanee su PC con Wipersoft o Spyhunter Remediation Tool. Para quitar extensiones de navegadores de forma manual, haga lo siguiente:
- Si bien en Internet Explorer, haga clic en el icono de rueda dentada en la esquina superior derecha.
- En el menú seleccione Administrar complementos.
- Seleccione Barras de herramientas y extensiones pestaña.
- Elija AdvertBar u otro BHO relacionados con adware.
- Clic Deshabilitar botón.
Advertencia: Esta opción sólo se desactiva el plugin no deseado. Para eliminación efectiva, utiliza Herramienta de eliminación de AdvertBar.
- Сomienzo Google Chrome.
- En la barra de direcciones, escriba chrome://extensions/.
- En la lista de complementos, encuentre AdvertBar y haga clic en icono de papelera de reciclaje.
- Confirme la eliminación de AdvertBar.
- Abre Firefox.
- En la barra de direcciones, escriba about:addons.
- Clic en Extensiones pestaña.
- En lista de extensiones situado AdvertBar.
- Clic Eliminar botón cerca de él.
Proteger computadora y navegadores de la infección
Amenazas de adware como AdvertBar son muy extendida y, por desgracia, muchos de los antivirus no pueden detectarlo. Para proteger su equipo contra infecciones futuras le recomendamos que utilice SpyHunter, porque tiene un módulo de protección activa y guardia para configuración del navegador. No entre en conflicto con cualquier antivirus y crea blindaje adicional contra amenazas como AdvertBar.
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