Security Stronghold security made easy


Letter of Intellectual Property Acknowledgment and Destruction

Please do remember it is a criminal offence to cancel a payment for goods already received. Do NOT cancel your credit card - we will refund you.

Date: _____________________

Letter of Intellectual Property Acknowledgment and Destruction

This AGREEMENT is made between Security Stronghold and the Customer as named below.

Product Name: ___________________________

Version Number: ___________________________

Order Number: ___________________________
(please see order acknowledgment email - we must have this number to find your order on our system)

The Customer, by completing and signing this document agrees to "destroy" or return any copy of the aforementioned Product received under the above Order Number. Security Stronghold agree to refund the purchase price of the product to the Customer on confirmation by completion of this document by the customer and returning an original signed copy.

Customer Name: ______________________________________

Address: ______________________________________

Email address: ______________________________________

Signature: ______________________________________

A brief comment on why you would like to be refunded:




Please print the above request text, put all required information, scan it back and send it to

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