Kosong.Brontok.A Entfernung: entfernen Kosong.Brontok.A für immer:
![]() Profil der BedrohungName der Bedrohung: Befehl oder Dateiname: Bedrohungsart: Betroffenes OS: Kosong.Brontok.A msag.exe Trojan Win32 (Windows 9x, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Seven) Kosong.Brontok.A AufschaltungsmethodeKosong.Brontok.A kopiert seine Datei (en) auf Ihrer Festplatte. Sein typischer Dateiname ist msag.exe . Dann wird der neue Systemstart–Schlüssel (mit dem Namen Kosong.Brontok.A und mit dem Wert msag.exe ) geschaffen. Sie können auch ein neuer Prozess mit dem Namen msag.exe oder Kosong.Brontok.A im Task-Manager finden. Download Spyhunter von Enigma SoftwareWenn Sie wollen Kosong.Brontok.A entfernen und msag.exe Problem mittels automatisierten Werkzeugs jetzt lösen, dann klicken hier (Download wird sofort beginnen): Funktionen von WiperSoft Antispyware
Download Kosong.Brontok.A Spyhunter Remediation Tool von Enigma SoftwareFalls Sie nicht wissen was man entfernen sollen, verwenden Sie unser preisgekröntes Programm - Tool zum Kosong.Brontok.A Entfernen. Tool zum Kosong.Brontok.A Entfernen wird Kosong.Brontok.A Virus und die alle damit verbundenen Probleme gefunden und vollständig entfernen. Tool zum Kosong.Brontok.A Entfernen ist schnell, einfach und handlich. Es kann Ihren Computer vor dem Kosong.Brontok.A Virus (das schadet an Ihrem Computer und bricht Ihrer Privatsphäre) schützen. Tool zum Kosong.Brontok.A Entfernen durchsucht Ihre Festplatten und Registry und zerstört jede Äußerung von Kosong.Brontok.A. Standard-Antiviren-Software kann gegen schädliche Programme wie Kosong.Brontok.A nichts machen. Entfernen Kosong.Brontok.A sofort! Laden Sie dieses vereinfachte Removal Tool speziell entwickelt, um Probleme mit zu Kosong.Brontok.A und msag.exe lösen (download der fix wird sofort beginnen): Funktionen von Spyhunter Remediation Tool
Unser Support-Team Ihr Problem mit dem Kosong.Brontok.A und Kosong.Brontok.A vorbereitet werden!Verlassen Sie die detaillierte Beschreibung des Problems mit dem Kosong.Brontok.A in Abschnitt Technische Unterstützung. Unser Support-Team wird Sie kontaktieren, und eine Schritt für Schritt-Lösung geben Ihnen mit dem Kosong.Brontok.A. Bitte beschreiben Sie Ihr Problem möglichst genau. Dies wird uns helfen, die effektivste Methode zur Entfernung von Kosong.Brontok.A. ![]() Die Beschreibung der Bedrohungen und die Lösung werden von Security Stronghold Sicherheitsteam entwickelt. Hier kann man auch erfahren:
Wie kann man das Kosong.Brontok.A Problem lösen?Dieses Problem kann man manuell lösen, wenn man alle Registrierungsschlüssel und Dateien, die mit dem Kosong.Brontok.A Virus verbunden sind, entfernt. Man soll auch das Virus aus dem Systemstart entfernen und alle entsprechenden DLLs deregistrieren. Außerdem, kann man die fehlende DLL (falls sie verdorben von strong>Kosong.Brontok.A geschädigt sind) wiederherstellen. Um Kosong.Brontok.A zu entfernen, man soll: 1. Die folgenden Prozesse beenden und die entsprechenden Dateien entfernen:
Warnung: Sie sollen nur solche Dateien löschen, die wie schädliche erwähnt sind. Es gibt auch die harmlosen Dateien mit den gleichen Namen in seinem OS. Wir empfehlen Ihnen dieses Tool zum Kosong.Brontok.A Entfernen als die sichere Lösung des Problems. 2. Die folgende schädliche Ordnern löschen:
3. Die folgende schädliche Registry-Einträge und \ oder Werte löschen:
Warnung: Falls der Wert für einige Registry-Einträge angegeben, sollen Sie nur diese Werte entfernen und die Registry-Einträge mit diesen Werten unbeschädigt verlassen. Wir empfehlen Ihnen dieses Tool zum Kosong.Brontok.A Entfernen als die sichere Lösung des Problems. 4. Browser Problemen manuell beheben. Kosong.Brontok.A Ihr Browser kann beeinflussen, was dazu führt Browser-Umleitung oder Such hijack. Wir empfehlen, die Sie verwenden kostenlose Option "Browsers Zurücksetzen" in "Werkzeugen" in Spyhunter Remediation Tool zu alle Browser auf einmal zurückgesetzt. Erwähnen Sie, dass, bevor Sie diese, Sie alle Dateien Kosong.Brontok.A gehör entfernen müssen und alle Prozesse Kosong.Brontok.A gehör töten müssen. Um Ihren Browser manuell zurückgesetzt und Wiederherstellen Ihrer Homepage, Führen Sie die folgenden Schritte: Internet Explorer
Warnung: Wenn diese Option wird nicht funktionieren verwenden kostenlose Option Browsers Zurücksetzen in Werkzeugen in Spyhunter Remediation Tool. Google Chrome
Warnung: Wenn diese Option wird nicht funktionieren verwenden kostenlose Option Browsers Zurücksetzen in Werkzeugen in Spyhunter Remediation Tool. Mozilla Firefox
Warnung: Wenn diese Option wird nicht funktionieren verwenden kostenlose Option Browsers Zurücksetzen in Werkzeugen in Spyhunter Remediation Tool. Informationen bereitgestellt von: Aleksei Abalmasov Here are the descriptions of problems connected with Kosong.Brontok.A and msag.exe we received earlier:Problem Summary: Want to remove BRONTOK.A from my pc. This worm will almost most of the time pops up when I am in my e-mail account. Immediately right after it pops up, another pop up box will appear and that is the one that says that a problem has been detected in my system. It will also ask whether I want to report it or not. When I select either box [(send) or (don't send)], my computer will just shut down and I have to start it over again. Problem was successfully solved. Ticket was closed. Problem Summary: Keeps logging off I can't download anything without my computer loging off Problem was successfully solved. Ticket was closed. Problem Summary: infected with Brontok.A cant enable registry on comp.whn i try to run regedit i get the error.'your system administrator has disabled the registry' the computer reboots on its own. i have tried some solutions to enable registry to delete entries of brontok but this has not been successful. Problem was successfully solved. Ticket was closed. Problem Summary: BRONTOK A. REMOVAL ? How can you get rid of this computer worm manually without any tools? as I can't seem to be able to download removal tool ! Problem was successfully solved. Ticket was closed. Problem Summary: have this have this problem Problem was successfully solved. Ticket was closed. Problem Summary: virus Kosong.Brontok.A my pc doesnt run, infected with: Kosong.Brontok.A Problem was successfully solved. Ticket was closed. Most wanted pest: zlob remove |
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Problem Summary: Brontok infestation on WINXP SP3
Did not know computer was infected. Thought virus scans had been running. Believe so badly infected now, every time I try to get into Windows XP it starts up and then shuts down immediately. Had boot protector program running, now that is not even running. Found text file Kosong.Brontok.Tok, wasn't sure what that was, so moved it to try to isolate it, once I did that I can't load Windows except in safe mode. Can't get you anything off computer now. Hope to save and clean up at least data files so that I can back them up. Also thought total reformat of hard drive, discovered in last move the missing boxes had all my software, so don't have money to replace software programs and don't have licenses for some programs. If I can save the drive short of reformat, I'd feel blessed and relieved.
Also on F8 to get into safe mode, watched and it's loading partition(2). Seems strange to me to see that. I realize I have 2 hard drives in the computer - 0 & 1. Don't understand why it's loading partition (2). I didn't think that existed. Last time in regular windows, I tried to check and block unnecessary loading files on boot using msconfig. Now I can't seem to execute anything or load windows without getting into safe mode.
I noticed a problem when during the night last month, I had gone to bed and the system did it's 'normal' system software update, because the next morning I noticed it had rebooted itself. In the process I though something had gone wrong because I had lost the network connections. I could no longer load up to my wireless internet. It said network device had been disabled, tried to enable it and reboot. Rebooted and tried again. Still no network device card enabled in the hardware now but driver issue and needed updating. Had to go away a few days so shut the computer off. When I tried again after the holidays, still no network, so tried to remove the last update files, still no network. Between Christmas and New Years, tried to do system restore to before the 'fatal' update and that didn't work. Tried to restore back to end of November. Seemed to go through restore process ok but still no network. Use flash drive and tried to go and download updated driver files. Installed them and got what appeared to be the drivice card working but no connection. Whole time I thought active virus scan was working and the boot scanner was working. Finally it started to hang so I would end the file and try to do virus scan of hard drive. I'd ocassionally get an error on Brontok file and told it to delete the infected file if I could otherwise to quarantine it and clean it, then rerun virus scan. Now I can't start help even if I manually try to start help service. Yesterday I could, today won't allow me to start any services manually. Had issue yesterday with reading the flash drive, but got it to work. It's off the local network and I have 4 active computers on my wireless network running fulltime scanners with daily file updates.
Still some concern for central storage drive, but have that scanning today to make sure it is cleaned. I have 2 laptops running Windows Vista Premium Home Edition and 4 other computers running Windows XP Professional SP3. So far others get triggers of this virus and immediately halt what they are doing and ask for delete or some way to handle the issue.
This all seems to have started September while I was away from home and random emails where being sent out to my mailing list. I run a small non-profit business from my home where I train computer challenger older adults to use a computer. I can't afford to lose any one of my computers. The one that is down contains vital appintment history and billing references. Yes I know I should have backed up better. I thought I was and I thought all the systems and checks and balances I working for the last few years were all working according to their fucntion to protect me.
I downloaded the file you have here and will try to run it as well as to the flash drive so will try to get that onto the badly infected computer. It will not allow me to shut off the system restore settings. I've tried every way I can. Would greatly appreciate any other suggestions you have to offer so I can try to save that computer as well as clean and protect all my other systems. Running the active virus programs really slow my computers down and my connections. I'm doing it to protect myself as well as trying to invest in more RAM as quickly as I can.
Thank you very much for reading and for your support. Have a great day. I look forward to hearing from you and praying for a resolution to this problem short of reformating the hard drive.
Problem was successfully solved. Ticket was closed.