Security Stronghold security made easy

How to register?

Register Stronghold AntiMalware

If you purchased the program using Delivery Wizard, it should become registered immediately. If you purchased the program using our Web Store, register your copy as described bellow.

There are two ways to register your Stronghold AntiMalware copy.

1. At the beginning of your order confirmation email you will find your serial number. Run program and click on the "Buy now" tab. Locate "Already purchased? Enter Serial Number..." link. In opened dialog click "Next" and copy and paste your serial number from your order confirmation email into the appropriate fields of "Enter serial number" dialog. Enter your name and e-mail exactly as they were typed during purchase process. Click "Next" button and program should be registered.

2. Run program and click on the "About" link. Locate "Enter Serial Number..." link. In opened dialog click "Next" and copy and paste your serial number from your order confirmation email into the appropriate fields of "Enter serial number" dialog. Enter your name and e-mail exactly as they were typed during purchase process. Click "Next" button and program should be registered.

You will get fully functional registered version. If you see don't see "Buy now" button in the main window of the program, then it is succesfully registered. If you still see "Buy now" button, then you run trial version, not the full one. Then try registering again. Double-check that you enter serial number exactly as it appears in your order confirmation email.

If you tried everything described in this page and still have problems with registration, open support ticket. We are be glad to assist you.

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