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Java Shinwow BH Removal Guide

* What is Java Shinwow BH

* Download WiperSoft Antispyware Malware Remediation Tool

* Remove Java Shinwow BH manually

* Get Professional Support

* Read Comments

Threat indicator: HIGH

Threat's profile

Name of the threat:

Command or file name:

Threat type:

Affected OS:

Java Shinwow BH



Win32 (Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 (8.1))

Global anti virus companies are striving to shape decent Java Shinwow BH removal tools as papers that contain macros are also cracked. You need to execute Java Shinwow BH removal action with a comely Java Shinwow BH removal tool as a lot of virus threats aim master boot record of hard disk. Sometimes virus threats generate the Java Shinwow BH code from parts of existing computer making it heavier to remove Java Shinwow BH with various Java Shinwow BH removal tool. With a view to escape revelation by users and Java Shinwow BH removal tools, some virus infections employ different kinds of cheat. Wheen viruses employ polymorphic coded character set in a way that composes the mutation periodicity of the Java Shinwow BH decreasing the chances to remove Java Shinwow BH deeply. Java Shinwow BH can redeem an uninfected version if the PC file to anti rootkit or Java Shinwow BH removal cheating the system and making it interrupt all the trys to remove Java Shinwow BH during the nondata operation of Java Shinwow BH removal.

Java Shinwow BH intrusion method

Java Shinwow BH copies its file(s) to your hard disk. Its typical file name is typeconf.exe . Then it creates new startup key with name Java Shinwow BH and value typeconf.exe . You can also find it in your processes list with name typeconf.exe or Java Shinwow BH. Also, it can create folder with name Java Shinwow BH under C:\Program Files\ or C:\ProgramData. If you have further questions about Java Shinwow BH, please call us on the phone below. You can use programs to remove Java Shinwow BH from your browsers below.

Recommended Remover - Download Wipersoft Antispyware

Download this advanced removal tool and solve problems with Java Shinwow BH and typeconf.exe (download of fix will start immediately):

Download WiperSoft Antispyware to remove Java Shinwow BH

* WiperSoft Antispyware was developed to remove threats like Java Shinwow BH in automatic mode. Remover has active module to protect PC from hijackers, trojans, ransomware and other viruses. Trial version of Wipersoft provides detection of computer viruses for FREE. To remove malware, you have to purchase the full version of Wipersoft.

Features of WiperSoft Antispyware

* Removes all files created by viruses.

* Removes all registry entries created by viruses.

* You can activate System and Network Guards and forget about malware.

* Can fix browser problems and protect browser settings.

* Removal is guaranteed - if Wipersoft fails ask for FREE support.

* 24/7 Spyware Helpdesk Support included into the package.

Alternative Solution - Download Spyhunter Remediation Tool by Enigma Software

Download antimalware designed specifically to remove threats like Java Shinwow BH and typeconf.exe (download of fix will start immediately):

Download AntiMalware to remove Java Shinwow BH

Features of Spyhunter Remediation Tool

* Removes all files created by Java Shinwow BH.

* Removes all registry entries created by Java Shinwow BH.

* Fixes browser redirection and hijack if needed.

* "Toolbar Remover" tool will help you get rid of unwanted browser extensions.

* Removal is guaranteed - if Spyhunter Remediation Tool fails ask for FREE support.

* 24/7 Helpdesk Support and 5 hours of Remote Support via GoToAssist included into the package.

Let our support team solve your problem with Java Shinwow BH and repair Java Shinwow BH right now!

support person

Submit support ticket below and describe your problem with Java Shinwow BH. Support team will offer you solution in several minutes and give a step-by-step instruction on how to remove Java Shinwow BH. Trouble-free tech support with over 10 years experience removing malware.

Submit support ticket

Software Industry Professionals Member
Threat's description and solution are developed by Security Stronghold security team.

Here you can also learn:

* Technical details of Java Shinwow BH threat.

* Manual Java Shinwow BH removal.

* Download Java Shinwow BH Removal Tool.

How to remove Java Shinwow BH manually

This problem can be solved manually by deleting all registry keys and files connected with Java Shinwow BH, removing it from starup list and unregistering all corresponding DLLs. Additionally missing DLL's should be restored from distribution in case they are corrupted by Java Shinwow BH.

To get rid of Java Shinwow BH, you should:

file logo

1. Kill the following processes and delete the appropriate files:

no information

Warning: you should delete only those files which checksums are listed as malicious. There may be valid files with the same names in your system. We recommend you to use WiperSoft Antispyware Malware Remediation Tool for safe problem solution.

**Trial version of Wipersoft provides detection of computer viruses for FREE. To remove malware, you have to purchase the full version of Wipersoft.

windows folder logo

2. Delete the following malicious folders:

no information

windows registry logo

3. Delete the following malicious registry entries and\or values:

no information

Warning: if value is listed for some registry entries, you should only clear these values and leave keys with such values untouched. We recommend you to use WiperSoft Antispyware Malware Remediation Tool for safe problem solution.

Information provided by: Aleksei Abalmasov

Here are the descriptions of problems connected with Java Shinwow BH and typeconf.exe we received earlier:

Problem Summary: writing a java program

question: write a java program that asks the user for the bolts, nuts and washers in their purchase and then calculates and prints out total. the program checks the order. a correct order should have atleast as many nuts as bolts, otherwise the order is an error. for an error the program writes out"check the order:too few nuts" or check the order:too few washers" as appropriate. both messages are written if the order has both errors. if there are no errors the program writes out "order is ok". in all cases the total price in cents(of the specified number of items) is written out.

Problem was successfully solved. Ticket was closed.

Problem Summary: shinwow bh infection for window xp

I have a infection on window xp with shinwow bh

Problem was successfully solved. Ticket was closed.

Problem Summary: java/shinwow.BH has infected my computer

I have WINDOWS xp.
Computer operates slowly or it says "NOT RESPONDING."
When opening mozilla firefox Internet Explorer opens too.

Please help.

Problem was successfully solved. Ticket was closed.

Problem Summary: My computer has java

computer operates slowly or it stops completely.
When I open mozilla firefox, internet explorer opens without being asked to.

Problem was successfully solved. Ticket was closed.

Problem Summary: Got java/shinwow.BH in my computer.

Need Patch For Java/shinwow.BH

Problem was successfully solved. Ticket was closed.

Problem Summary: java script void o

I have been trying to get rid of this error with no luck. When I try to play a song in this error shows in bar above start button. Thank you Carl

Problem was successfully solved. Ticket was closed.

Problem Summary: java script void o

I have been trying to get rid of this error with no luck. When I try to play a song in this error shows in bar above start button. Thank you Carl

Problem was successfully solved. Ticket was closed.

Problem Summary: patch for removing Java.Shinwow.BH, Java/Shinwow.BH

patch for removing Java.Shinwow.BH, Java/Shinwow.BH

Problem was successfully solved. Ticket was closed.

Problem Summary: JTree with TreeModel Interface(

I m sending you a code, how to bring a +/- sign through this code. please help me out.

import java.awt.BorderLayout;

import java.awt.Dimension;

import java.awt.GridBagConstraints;

import java.awt.GridBagLayout;

import java.awt.Toolkit;

import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;

import java.awt.event.ActionListener;

import java.awt.event.MouseAdapter;

import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;

import java.awt.event.MouseListener;


import java.util.ArrayList;

import java.util.Collections;

import java.util.Hashtable;

import java.util.Enumeration;

import java.util.Iterator;

import java.util.Vector;

import javax.swing.BorderFactory;

import javax.swing.BoxLayout;

import javax.swing.Icon;

import javax.swing.JButton;

import javax.swing.JFrame;

import javax.swing.JLabel;

import javax.swing.JPanel;

import javax.swing.JScrollPane;

import javax.swing.JTextField;

import javax.swing.JTree;

import javax.swing.UIManager;

import javax.swing.event.TreeModelListener;

import javax.swing.event.TreeSelectionEvent;

import javax.swing.event.TreeSelectionListener;

import javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalIconFactory;

import javax.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode;

import javax.swing.tree.DefaultTreeCellRenderer;

import javax.swing.tree.TreeModel;

import javax.swing.tree.TreeNode;

import javax.swing.tree.TreePath;

public class OdiSAPERPMetadataBrowser implements TreeModel {

// The initial width and height of the frame

private static int sWIDTH = 700;

private static int sHEIGHT = 630;

public DefaultMutableTreeNode jTreeRootNode, jTreeSelectedNode; //rootNode & selected node

private JPanel jPanelTop = new JPanel();

private JPanel jPanelSearch = new JPanel();

private JPanel jPanelTree = new JPanel();

private JPanel jBottomPanel = new JPanel();

private JPanel jPanelGap1 = new JPanel();

private JPanel jPanelGap2 = new JPanel();

private JLabel jLabelgap = new JLabel(" ");

private JLabel jLabelTName = new JLabel("Table Name: ");

private JLabel jLabelSDesc = new JLabel("Short Description: ");

private JLabel jLabelAppComp = new JLabel("Application Component: ");

private JLabel jLabelPkg = new JLabel("Package: ");

private JTextField jTxtFieldTName = new JTextField("",15);

private JTextField jTxtFieldSDesc = new JTextField("",15);

private JTextField jTxtFieldAppComp = new JTextField("",15);

private JTextField jTxtFieldPkg = new JTextField("",15);

private JButton jButtonSearch = new JButton("Search");

private JButton jButtonCancle = new JButton("Cancel");

private JButton jButtonReverse = new JButton("Reverse MetaDeta");

private static final int BORDER = 12; // Window border in pixels.

private static final Object MyNode = null;

private static final int ChildCount = 0;

private static final String Child = null;

private Hashtable mModuleName = null; //Hashtable of Module Name & Description

private ArrayList mAppCompList = null; //List of Application Component & Tables

// mSelectedTables - map of keys as selected tables name & values as their list of fields name

private Hashtable mSelectedTables = new Hashtable();

private String moduleKey = null;

private String moduleDesc = null;

public boolean isTableNodeSelected = false;

public ArrayList mDeleselectedNodeList = new ArrayList();

public JFrame frame = null;

private JTree tree =null;

private String ivTable = null;

private String ivDesc = null;

private String ivPackg = null;

private String ivAPComp = null;

public OdiSAPERPMetadataBrowser[] children;

public OdiSAPERPMetadataBrowser() { ////For eclipse version

frame = new JFrame();

frame.setTitle("SAP Metadata Browser");


createTreePanel(); //Prepare tree panel

Toolkit tk = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit();

Dimension screenSize = tk.getScreenSize();

int screenHeight = screenSize.height;

int screenWidth = screenSize.width;

frame.setSize(sWIDTH, sHEIGHT);

frame.setLocation(screenWidth / 4, screenHeight / 13);


}////End of Default Constructor

private void createSearchPanel() {


jPanelSearch.setLayout(new GridBagLayout());

jPanelSearch.setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder("Search") );

GridBagConstraints gBC = new GridBagConstraints();

gBC.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL;

// ****** First row of search panel ********

//Adding first label

// gBC.weightx = 0;

gBC.gridx = 0;

gBC.gridy = 0;

jPanelSearch.add(jLabelTName, gBC);

//Adding first text box

gBC.gridx = 1;

gBC.gridy = 0;

gBC.weightx = 1.0;;

jPanelSearch.add(jTxtFieldTName, gBC);

//Adding gap between two cell in the first row

gBC.gridx = 2;

gBC.gridy = 0;

jPanelSearch.add(jLabelgap, gBC);

//Adding second label

//gBC.weightx = 1.0;

gBC.gridx = 3;

gBC.gridy = 0;

jPanelSearch.add(jLabelSDesc, gBC);

//Adding second text box

gBC.gridx = 4;

gBC.gridy = 0;

gBC.weightx = 1.0;

jPanelSearch.add(jTxtFieldSDesc, gBC);

// Adding Gap between 1st & 2nd row

gBC.gridx = 0;

gBC.gridy = 1;


// ************* Second row of search panel *************

//Adding third label

gBC.gridx = 0;

gBC.gridy = 2;

jPanelSearch.add(jLabelAppComp, gBC);

//Adding third text box

gBC.gridx = 1;

gBC.gridy = 2;

gBC.weightx = 1.0;

jPanelSearch.add(jTxtFieldAppComp, gBC);

//// Adding Gap between 2nd & 3rd row

gBC.gridx = 2;

gBC.gridy = 2;

jPanelSearch.add(jLabelgap, gBC);

//Adding fourth label

gBC.gridx = 3;

gBC.gridy = 2;

gBC.weightx = 3;

jPanelSearch.add(jLabelPkg, gBC);

//Adding fourth text box

gBC.gridx = 4;

gBC.gridy = 2;

gBC.weightx = 1.0;

jPanelSearch.add(jTxtFieldPkg, gBC);

// ************ Adding Gap between 2nd & 3rd row *****************

gBC.gridx = 0;

gBC.gridy = 3;


//Adding Search button in third row

gBC.gridx = 2;

gBC.gridy = 4;

jPanelSearch.add(jButtonSearch, gBC);

//Adding Search Panel into Top Panel



frame.getContentPane().add(jPanelTop, BorderLayout.NORTH);


public Hashtable getALLSAPModules() {

Hashtable sapModList = new Hashtable();

sapModList.put("CA", "Cross-Application Components");

sapModList.put("AC", "Accounting - General");

sapModList.put("FI", "Financial Accounting");

sapModList.put("TR", "Treasury");

sapModList.put("CO", "Controlling");

sapModList.put("IM", "Investment Management");

sapModList.put("EC", "Enterprise Controlling");

sapModList.put("RE", "Real Estate Management");

sapModList.put("LO", "Logistics - General");

sapModList.put("SD", "Sales and Distribution");

sapModList.put("MM", "Materials Management");

sapModList.put("LE", "Logistics Execution");

sapModList.put("QM", "Quality Management");

sapModList.put("PM", "Plant Maintenance");

sapModList.put("CS", "Customer Service");

sapModList.put("PP", "Production Planning and Control");

sapModList.put("PS", "Project System");

sapModList.put("EHS", "Environment, Health and Safety");

sapModList.put("PA", "Personnel Management");

sapModList.put("PT", "Personnel Time Management");

sapModList.put("PY", "Payroll");

sapModList.put("PE", "Training and Event Management");

sapModList.put("BC", "Basis Components");

sapModList.put("SV", "Service");

return sapModList;

}//End of getALLSAPModules method


* This method is responsible to create tree node of fetched table metadata from SAP System **

* @param

* @return void


// stubbed out methods not needed for display though for any real

// application at least the listener methods should be implemented.

private void createTreePanel() {

// Root node and main modules

jTreeRootNode = new DefaultMutableTreeNode("SAP Metadata");

mModuleName = getALLSAPModules(); //getting SAP main module

//enumerate all the contents of the hashtable

Enumeration keys = mModuleName.keys();

while ( keys.hasMoreElements()) {

moduleKey = (String)keys.nextElement();

moduleDesc = (String)mModuleName.get( moduleKey );

DefaultMutableTreeNode moduleNode = new DefaultMutableTreeNode(moduleKey + ", " + moduleDesc);

jTreeRootNode.add(moduleNode); //Adding main module into tree

} // end while

tree = new JTree(jTreeRootNode); //making tree

tree.putClientProperty("JTree.lineStyle", "Angled");

// Setting folder icon for empty node

Icon leafIcon = MetalIconFactory.getTreeLeafIcon();

Icon openIcon = MetalIconFactory.getTreeFolderIcon();

DefaultTreeCellRenderer dtcr = new DefaultTreeCellRenderer();




// end of setting folder icon

//Add mouse listener to add sub nodes (App. component, tables & fields) in the tree on double click

//Add tree structure into the scrollpane & after that in the container

JScrollPane srollpane = new JScrollPane(tree);

jPanelTree.setLayout(new BoxLayout(jPanelTree, BoxLayout.LINE_AXIS));



frame.getContentPane().add(jPanelTree, BorderLayout.CENTER); //Adding tree in the center

}//End of createTreePanel() method


* This method is use to add bottom panel and handle the button listener to cancel or reverse metadata



/** static void main() method */

public static void main(String args[]) {

OdiSAPERPMetadataBrowser frame = new OdiSAPERPMetadataBrowser();


public Object getRoot() {

OdiSAPERPMetadataBrowser root = new OdiSAPERPMetadataBrowser();

// root.setName("SAP Metadata");

// root.setDesc("");

// root.setRoot(true);

// return MyNode;


return root;


// private void setRoot(boolean b) {

// setRoot(this);


// }


// private void setDesc(String string) {

// // TODO Auto-generated method stub


// }


// private void setName(String string) {

// // TODO Auto-generated method stub


// }

public int getChildCount(Object parent) {

OdiSAPERPMetadataBrowser pnode;

int ChildCount = 0;

OdiSAPERPMetadataBrowser root = null;

if(root instanceof OdiSAPERPMetadataBrowser){ //InfoAreas


OdiSAPERPMetadataBrowser node = (OdiSAPERPMetadataBrowser) root;

Vector childs = node.ChildCount();

System.out.println("Node Name="+node.getALLSAPModules());

if(childs != null){

ChildCount = childs.size();


if(ChildCount == 0){

// This Sub InfoArea is at Leaf level

//3 Sub Nodes "InfoCubes", "InfoObjects", "ODS/DSO"

System.out.println("Get OdiSAPERPMetadataBrowser Details.....");

if(node.getALLSAPModules() == null)


// Vector dataTargets = listener.getInfoAreaDetails(node);


// node.setInfoObjects((Vector)dataTargets.elementAt(1));

// node.setOdsdsos((Vector)dataTargets.elementAt(2));


ChildCount = 3;



return ChildCount;


public boolean isLeaf(Object arg0) {

if(ChildCount == 0){

return false;



return true;



private Vector ChildCount() {

return null;


public void addTreeModelListener(javax.swing.event.TreeModelListener l) {

System.out.println("## addTreeModelListener()");


public void removeTreeModelListener(javax.swing.event.TreeModelListener l) {}

public void valueForPathChanged(TreePath path, Object newValue) {

System.out.println("## valueForPathChanged()");


public Object getChild(Object parent, int index) {

return ((OdiSAPERPMetadataBrowser)parent).children[index];


public int getIndexOfChild(Object parent, Object child) {

for (int count = getChildCount(parent), i = 0; i < count; i++)

if (getChild(parent, i).equals(child))

return i;

return -1;


// return ((OdiSAPERPMetadataBrowser)parent).children[index];


Thanking you.

Problem was successfully solved. Ticket was closed.

Problem Summary: Java/Shinwow.BH Virus

Slows up computer and locks up computer

Problem was successfully solved. Ticket was closed.

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